Lord, we thank you for guiding those who lead us, our ministers here at the Pines, our teachers in school and our parents and
Christ, give your love to those in need today, who struggle because of war, famine, sickness, sadness or loneliness. Help us to spread your
love throughout the world so they can feel welcomed into your Kingdom.
God, in our Church, fill us with your love, help us to remember we are all part of one big community, and we should all work
Holy Spirit, bring healing to those who are unwell, in body, mind or spirit, make sure they know they are loved. Bring comfort to those who
care for the sick, bless them with patience of moments of rest.
Parent of all, help those children in need today all around the world, so that they may grow up to a happy life, knowing you are always
with them. We pray for all the children at Church @ the Pines, that we may learn more about you, and become closer to you.
Father, thank you for the place we live in, for the wonderful plants, the people, the fun things to do with family and friends, and for
charities that support people.
Merciful one, as we go about our daily lives, please guide us from wrong, to not be boastful, proud or easily angry. Let your love rest
among us all, help us to show your love, your patience and your kindness to everyone we meet this week.